Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day 2 (Cleanse): AM

I don't know if is the cleanse, the exercise, or the combination of both, but last night I slept like the dead, and even woke-up before my alarm clock. This is huge for me. These things never happen. I am a fitful sleeper, a tosser-and-a-turner; I have trouble falling asleep, and when I do (finally), it's not guaranteed I will actually stay asleep. Waking up of my own accord, feeling decent is a new experience for me. Hopefully I will get to the point where I wake-up feeling good.

This morning I mixed up Hubby's Fiber Drink before he left for work, and made sure to pack him a Meal Replacement Shake for breakfast in a blender bottle so that all he would have to do was add water and give it a quick shake.  I am not fond of the idea of "packaged meals", whether it is a TV dinner or one of these Meal Replacement Shakes, but after carefully researching the listed ingredients, they are  healthy for you, full of easily digestible protein, are only 220 calories, and are great during the cleansing portion of the AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge, and are a perfect way to make sure I don't miss a meal when I am on the go, even after the Challenge is over with.

There are lots of perks to doing the 24-Day Challenge with someone, whether it is a spouse, roommate, co-worker, friend, or family member. Not only do I have someone to encourage, be encouraged by, commiserate with, swap/try new recipes with, I have a buddy to workout with, AND I also get to try more of the AdvoCare products!  

Since the basic AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge comes with lots of flavor choices, we get to try a wider variety. We are using the following flavors:

  • Herbal Cleanse in both Citrus and Peaches & Cream
  • Spark Energy Drink in Mandarin Orange, Grape, Fruit Punch, and Pink Lemonade
  • Meal Replacement Shakes in Chocolate and Vanilla

So far, I am really digging the yummy flavors!  I normally HATE the flavor of powdered shake mixes (like protein shakes or even SlimFast), but I have tried both the chocolate and vanilla Meal Replacement Shakes, and I actually enjoy the taste!

I know I sound like an infomercial, but I am really enthusiastic about reclaiming my body, and striving for a life lived in WELLNESS and BALANCE, and not always locked in a roller coaster struggle with health and weight-loss.  If AdvoCare and the 24-Day Challenge are the first steps in that process, then so be it! 

"Don't bring around a cloud to rain on my parade!"

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