Before & After

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Okay, here is the part I have been dreading: the "BEFORE" measurements and pictures. Yuck.

But, when I started this, I swore I would be transparent and hold myself accountable to the world, and to you, Reader, so here are the horrifying details.

Date: Monday, July 9, 2012
Age: 31
Height: 5'8
Weight: 198.8
24-Day Challenge Goal: 183 (-15.8 pounds)
Long-term Goal: 145 (-53.8 pounds), overall tone!

Body Measurements
Right/Left Arm: 13.25"/13.5"
Right/Left Thigh: 25.5"/27"
Right/Left Calf: 15.5"/16.25"
Bust (across breasts): 47"
Bust (under breasts): 39"
Waist: 37.5"
Stomach (belly button): 43"
Stomach (largest part, below belly button): 47"
Hips/Upper-Thigh (just under the butt): 43.75"
Booty (widest part of butt and hips):  47"

Average Total Inches: 226.5"

Holy smokes, that was HARD!  But I am confident that with a little hard work, these great Advocare products, sound core nutrition, and the support of friends, family, and my AdvoCare coaches, Jeff & Linde Haskins, I will reach my goals!

Check back on August 1, 2012 for the "After" pictures and measurements.  Hopefully I will even remember to "do" my hair and make-up!

Disneyland October 2011; Look at that GUT!!!

UPDATE!!!!! 8.24.12

So if you have been following the blog, you'll know that I did really well on my 24-Day Challenge, but that I kind of botched the results by having a HORRIBLE month!

At the end of the challenge, I had almost met my goal for the 24 days and ended 14.8 lbs lighter! YAY ME!

And then came August.

A month of personal struggles, complicated and stressful business decisions, and the loss of a friend has thrown me for a loop. I hardly made it to the gym, drank too much, and made some really bad food choices, almost every day.


Here's how I know the AdvoCare system REALLY WORKS: because AdvoCare is all about CORE NUTRITION and regular EXERCISE supplemented by their fabulous products, the weight I lost is REAL. What do I mean by real? It isn't water weight lost or yo-yo metabolism talking.

I weighed and measured myself this morning: -9.6 from my starting weight, even with the incredible lack of effort on my part this past month. My stomach is more than 6" SMALLER! And I am trimmer and less jiggly everywhere else, too.

Have I reached my goals yet? No. But I am well on my way, and am back in swing of things!

Check back after another 30 days of results to see how far I've come by October!

And get ready to join me on another 24-day Challenge October 8, 2012!

UPDATE!!!!! Jan 2013

I realize I haven't updated in FOREVER!!!! SO, here are a few recent pictures. Please excuse the dirty mirror and laundry on the floor; this was when I had JUST moved in! Oh, and the bad hair, no make-up (but MUCH better skin clarity), and poor photo quality... But I am looking awesome, huh?! Still a long way to go, but progress is for sure! I can't wait to start another 24-Challenge with the NEW VIDEO!


  1. Wheres the after picture?

    1. I just posted a quick update! Be sure to come back in October for more updates!

  2. You know, it's just me, just the way I am. But I don't think there's a damn thing wrong with you in the "before" picture. I see a beautiful woman.

  3. Cat, you are looking good!
    I really need some contact from you regarding the equipment - Sue
    info @
