About Me

I am a young 30-something chic looking to lose some weight, get healthy in mind and body, all while dealing with one or two physical hurdles.

I was recently hit by a car while crossing a parking lot.  The lady who hit me flipped me off and sped away, and was never caught.  I hope Karma knows her address.  I have since had to have a second ACL replacement, and am now dealing with a permanent physical injury that means I cannot jog or run for exercise. Ever.  I may never again be able to enjoy many of the outdoor activities that I love, chiefly skiing. Since the graft in my knee needs extra time to heal, I am on crutches for a total of 8 weeks, and am limited to an exercise bike and a few weight machines.  I am hoping to add swimming and Pilates to my repertoire, but that might not be for another 6-8 months.

I also suffer from Degenerative Disc Disease, which is slowly eating away at the cushioning discs between my vertebrae, and can cause severe back pain and limited mobility.


But, I will be able to walk again.  I will be able to cook, and laugh, and cut a rug from time to time.  I will continue to be surrounded by the love of friends and family, so really, I am very blessed!

In my career-life, I am struggling to decide "what I to be when I grow up." I am a writer, an editor, an artist, a photographer, a foodie, a chef, a designer, an entertainer, a comedian,a philanthropist, a motivator, a leader, a planner, a helluva businesswoman, and a complete mess.  I will figure out my place in the world. One day.

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